
Current Issue

Vol 5 No 2 (2024): Environmental Sustainability Journal
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Jounal of Enviromental Science Sustainable

Jounal of Enviromental Science Sustainable is a scientific journal for the field of environmental management and sustainable development managed by the Environmental Science Study Programme of IVET University. This journal offers complete coverage of key environmental issues, it addresses development challenges that have to do some study such as biodiversity, environmental health, environmental policy, modeling and assessment, community development. All article studies are published online twice a year.

Journal title
Jounal of Enviromental Science Sustainable
Initials ENVOIST
Abbreviation Jur. Ilmu Lingkungan
Frequency 2 issues per year (April and November)
Print ISSN 2721 - 4761
Online ISSN -
Editor-in-chief Nely Zulfa, S.KM, M.Si
Managing Editor-  Rangga Fajar
Publisher Universitas IVET
Citation Analysis  SINTA | Google Scholar



